Who is called Jannat?
The great abode that Allah Ta'ala has prepared for His servants in the Hereafter to reward and reward His servants for their good deeds is called 'Jannat' and He calls it 'Bahirshi'.
Why is Jannat called Jannat?
Jannat is called "Paradise" because this place is hidden and hidden from the eyes of people in this world and no one can see it with these eyes. And no man can hear its full truth with his own ears. Allah Ta'ala has hidden the comforts and all kinds of pleasures and rewards there from the eyes of the people (Bukhari Sharif).
The blessings of heaven
All types of relief and happiness and joy are available in Jannat. Long, wide and tall palaces are built of gold, silver, pearls and jewels. And everywhere there are beautiful and noble tents of silk cloth. On every side there are groves of thick green and shady trees of all kinds of delicious and favorite fruits, and in those groves there are canals of sweet water, noble milk and liquor Tahoor (Pakiza Sharab). Various types of delicious food and various fruits are kept ready in clean and shiny vessels. High-grade silk robes and ornaments of gold, silver and pearls and jewels glittering and glittering with stars, high jeweled thrones, carpets and chandeliers laid on it and masnads (seats) arranged. For Ash and Nishat (bliss) are the women of the world and the hoorah of Paradise, who are infinitely beautiful and graceful. The handsome boy is present at all times with his arms folded towards Charev for service.
In summary, all kinds of innumerable reliefs and all kinds of things are ready in Jannat. And everything in Paradise is so unique and so incomparable that no eye has ever seen it, no ear has heard it, no heart has thought of it. The people of Jannati will enjoy all those things without restraint and shamelessly.
And above all those blessings, the greatest blessing in Jannah will be that the people of Jannah will meet God Almighty in Jannah, no one will sleep in Jannah, no one will get sick, and no one will die in Jannah. May you always be healthy and young.
The inhabitants of Paradise will eat and drink a lot, but they will not need to urinate. They will not spit, nor will their nose run, but a belch will come and sweat more fragrant than musk and food and drink will be digested. Jannati will be free from all kinds of worries and free from sadness. He will always be happy in the atmosphere of happiness and joy at every step and will continue to enjoy various blessings and pleasures. (Explanation: Quran Wahdish)
Where is paradise?
A further Sahih Kaul is that Jannat is above the seventh heaven, as the Qur'an says in Majid, “Jannatul Mawa is near Siddartul Muntaha.” And it is mentioned in a Hadith Sharif that the roof of Paradise is on Arsh. ” (Hashiya Shah Aqeed, Safina-80)
How much is paradise?
The number of Jannats is eight.
(1) Darul-Jaza
(2) Darul-Karar
(3) Darussalam
(4) Darul-Adan
(5) Jannatul-Mawa
(6) Jannatul-Khuld
(7) Jannatul-Firdous
(8) Jannatunnaim. (Tafseer Ruhul Bayan, Page-82)
Destinations of Paradise
There are hundred floors in Jannat. There is as much distance between every two floors as there is between the sky and the ground. And Firdos is the name of the highest rank and from it flow the four canals of Paradise. And above Jannatul-Firdous is Arshe Elahi. In the hadeeth, Huzur صلى الله عليه وسلم said, When you ask Allah Ta'ala, ask for Jannatul-Firdous. (Tirmizi Sharif)
Another hadith states that the people of Jannat will see the Balakhanas (upper levels) of Janat in the same way that you see the stars shining in the east or the west from the earth. (Mishkat Sharif, Vol-2 Page-496)
Jannati Buildings
It is said in Hadith that in the building of Janat, one brick is made of gold and one brick is made of silver. It is of pebbles, pearls, and rubies, and its soil made by musk and fragrant. Whoever enters it will be in peace and comfort, and will live forever and ever, his clothes will never grow old, nor will his departure be lost. (Musnade Ahmad, Tirmidhi)
Gate of Paradise
It is in the Hadith Sharif that the gates of Jannat are so big that there is a path of forty years between its two arms, but when Jannati starts entering Jannat, the gate will feel cramped due to the crowd! (Mikat Sharif, Vol-2, Parj-492)
Gardens of Paradise
About the gardens of Jannat, it is in Hadith Mubarak, that when a Momin enters Jannat, he will see seventy thousand (7000) such gardens, each garden will have seventy thousand (70000) trees. And on every tree shall be written, لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله متہ مذبنہ وسلم and the breadth of each leaf shall be from east to west. (Ruhul Bayan)
Another hadith states that the leaves of all the trees of Paradise are golden. (miskat)
Canals and springs of Paradise
Canals of sweet water, honey, milk, wine flow in Jannat. (Mishkat) These four canals fall into one hodge, named "Hauzeh Kaushar". The same Hauze Kaushar is the Houze Kaushar of Huzoor Akram صلى الله عليه وسلم, which is now inside Jannat. But on the Day of Judgment will be brought to the plain of Mehshar, where Huzoor صلى الله عليه وسلم will water his Ummat with that Hauz. (Ruhul Bayan) -
Apart from those four canals, there will be other springs of Paradise, whose names are as follows:
(1) Kakoor (2) Zanjeel (3) Raheek (4) Tasnim. (Ruhul Bayan)
Foods in Paradise
There will be all kinds of food to eat in Jannah. Especially the food of Paradise will be of fruits and vegetables. When Jannati has a wish, that thing will automatically reach her. Allah Ta'ala has called the Rizk of Jannah "Rizke Kareem". Paradise will have banana, date, pomegranate, grape orchards. Rather there will be all kinds of fruits. The trees in Paradise will be very green and blooming. After eating food, there will be no impurity in Jannati's body. Rather, the food that Jannati will eat will be absorbed into the body by divine wisdom. Rather, after eating, there will be a belch that pleases Jannati, then all the food will be digested. Besides that there are all kinds of ash in Jannat.
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